Mobile Healthcare and Medical support

Healthcare Professional Assisting Patient

BioPromin's Mobile Healthcare Tools

Convenient health screening

When comparing to standard procedures of blood testing, non-invasive technology:
- Does not alter the chemical structure of the blood, as conservatives that prevents blood from coagulating are not added.
- Does not change external pressure, which occurs during blood extraction.
- Each result is calibrated for physical characteristics of the user.
- Fast, easy and painless.
- Removes human error.
Kolibri device from Biopromin measures over 40 vital health parameters and identifies over 30 health threats and pathologies, all within 5 minutes via innovative ECG technology and AI Deep Learning algorithms.

Convenient Health Screening Tool

Health Analytics

New devices from Biopromin are all integrated with cloud-based system, which securely stores all results, offer user-friendly presentation and analysis of screening results, provide a real-time monitoring to user and/or their doctor. Medical professionals may monitor all of their patients via their personal cabinet within the system.

Health Analytics Tool

Early warning

The purpose of the AI elements within screening devices is to analyse the results and identify health threats at their early stages, therefore increasing health awareness and motivating individuals to consult medical professionals if required.

Early Warning Systems Tool